Welcome to my refuge :)

Disney has become a daily retreat for me. We may only spend 10 days there a year (more if I'm truly blessed), but I have found that making Mickey a part of my daily life makes me feel much better. So I'm running with it! Luckily I have a patient husband and a laptop computer that allows me to do endless searching and planning. This blog is developing out of that. You are welcome to come along for the ride and offer your advice. I don't claim to be an expert, just a lover of the experience!

Right now whenever a post says "Update" that means it is a 2011 trip update and if you click on the tab with that date on it you can read that update.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My surprise is not a surprise...to Jim

I've talked about a romantic surprise our last night at Walt Disney World to celebrate our 12th anniversary. I should have known better. My husband the snoop had never heard of the place we were going so he Googled it and found out. I shouldn't be surprised , in 12 years I have NEVER surprised him. Oh well he says it sounds nice. I'm still keeping you in the dark until the 8th.

I'm determined to surprise someone and this is something not many people do at Disney.

This luggage would be more fun to pack!!!

Five days to go and packing is going well. Yes, it is that big of a production for me. Besides the basics I need window decorations, pennies and quarters to press, my agenda folder, my stimulator and charger, pins to trade, and even now I feel I'm leaving something off the list. Oh, all the wires to run multiple electronic devices.

Two grown people. Two suitcases. Two carry-ons each. Ten days. It is amazingly well organized. Plus we do need room to bring things we buy home in!

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